I mean, honestly, how can be a human bad at smiling? Everybody can smile...
Of course I have already noticed that he rarely smiles and I have thought that it is because of his teeth... but actually I still can't understand... yeah, maybe his teeth are not like this perfect white, straigth teeth everybody has in Hollywood, but WHO THE FUCK CARES?
I love his smile and it is a pity that you see it so rarely. For me, he looks perfect, in every way... Every part of him is perfect and he should know that...
Look at this pics and tell me, you don't like his smile:
And if you say it's not then you're definitely lying!!!

"I’m a singer. I don’t want to open my mouth and have these crooked teeth going on. It’s just a thing, everyone has their hang-ups. I’ve always thought I’m pretty ugly,''
"If I get one comment saying I need my teeth sorted out, I can’t forget it. I might not look like the happiest guy but I just don’t smile because I’ve got s**t teeth!''
“But I’m not going Joey Essex or Cowell, I just want them straightened and maybe whitened a bit"
That's what he said to "The Mirror"
So..If you feel more comfortable with straight teeth, of course we will accept that, but I just want you to know:

And I love you from the bottom of my heart, forever......♥
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