Samstag, 27. April 2013


Maybe you have already noticed James wears sometimes clothes from the brand "LASKA SAK":

It was founded by two people in the North East of  England.

Ladi Kazeem, a friend of James, is the Creator and Head Designer of this brand.

I collected a few photos, he is really a massive fan:

Sorry, you can't see the "LASKA SAK" shirt very well

And then I also found this:

(Just available in white)

(Available in grey, black and white)

(Available in grey, black an white)

So, this is really, really amazing, right?

HERE is the entire website, they also have a lot of other beautiful clothes.

HERE is the link for the white "Killer" shirt.
You can buy the hoodie HERE.
And HERE is the simple "Team James Arthur" shirt.

As far as I know they ship to every country but they are not responsible for any international shipping delays and for any customs charges or taxes. But just read the shipping & delivery information.

 I really reallly like these clothes, they're amazing ♥

Lost of #LOVE ♥

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